#Where can i play zoo tycoon for free install
If you copy the files from the install disc to a new folder your machine and run the games Setup and install from there. In this instance the game will often install Some games that use SafeDisk (and possibly a few others) will not install from disc. Scroll down and verify both Legacy Components & Direct Play are enabled. I don't believe Zoo Tycoon uses SafeDisk, but if you see a file titled - secdrv.sys - on any game disk that gameī) Verify Direct Play is enabled in - Programs and Features > Turn Windows Features On or Off To circumvent this you need to use a noCD fix/hack with most games that used SafeDisk. This prevent the disc check and stops the game from loading. The two main issues with disc based games from Zoo Tycoon era on Win10 are.Ī) DRM Blocking, which MS has built into Win10 to prevent the driver used by SafeDisk copy protection fromīeing accessed when you launch the game. This and any newer versions should have no problems at The original was released in 2001, so mayīe more problematic than Zoo Tycoon 2 which was released in 2004. If you have the game on disc I believe you will be able to install and run the game.

These versions will have had any (most of the time) issues fixed. ] If you are downloading the game from Good Old Games, Steam or similar site the odds are improved as Probably because they are trying to flog the updated 'Ultimate' version. Unfortunately the original version is not available on PC. [EDIT: It does looks Monopoly$oft have restricted this series to their Store since launching Win10. Still run on Win10 (some require coaxing, tweaking and fixes). The vast majority of games from 2002 on will Win10 is a lot more compatible with old games than people are led to believe. I don't have Zoo Tycoon so can't say 100%, but similar games do run well on Win10, eg- The Movies, The Sims (2000 release date ).